How can we help? *If you’re seeking support for a sensitive curl care journey, we highly recommend booking with one of our Curl Healing Specialists—Patty, Kyle, Steph, or Tyler. Their years of experience, combined with their personal understanding and expertise, make them uniquely suited to provide care and guidance for sensitive situations.*
In the past 5 years, have you had any of the following? (Check all that apply)
When did you last visit a hair salon? When did you last apply for professional or unprofessional color in your hair? (Please specify if it was professional or not)
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to any hair products? (If yes please list them.)
Kindly list the hair products and brands that you are using. List the product name and its purpose.
What are the tools you are using to style your hair? List down the product name and its purpose.
Any special instructions, comments, or suggestions?
I confirm that all information indicated in this form is true and accurate.
understand that in order for my stylist to provide the best possible service and recommend the right plan to reach my hair dreams, all the information on this form has been answered truthfully to the best of my abilities. I acknowledge that I may not reach my ultimate goal in just one appointment depending on the condition and history of my hair. I understand that not all hair types are capable of reaching all hair goals and that my stylist will recommend a realistic goal for my hair type. I understand that receiving any hair chemical service in some individuals can cause allergic reactions. By signing below I understand the potential for an unpredictable chemical allergic reaction. I agree to the policies outlined below.
​If you have to cancel your appointment within 48 hours of your service there is a cancellation fee of 50% of your service. If you no-show or cancel within 24 hour window or less of your appointment there will be a 100% service fee required to cancel. If you are running late more than 15minutes please give us a courtesy call and we will do what we can in the time we have left together.
We love children & animals, but for their safety and the relaxation of our crew & clients, children under the age of 18 and animals are not permitted in the salon. Children are permitted when receiving a service only. As masters of our craft behind the chair, we use professional tools and chemicals that can be dangerous to small children if left unattended. In accordance with the New Jersey Department of Health, animals (with the exception of trained service dogs) are not permitted in the salon. We want to offer a relaxing atmosphere for our guests and respect their time while with us.
Above all, we want you to LOVE your hair. If you are not 100% in love with your end result, we are here to help! While we do not offer refunds, we do hope you’ll give us the chance to rectify the situation. Please contact us within 7 days of your visit to request an adjustment. Minor tweaks to your service will be completed free of charge. Major changes (you wanted to try something new and changed your mind after) are considered a new service.
By signing below, I agree to the terms and conditions for the salon company.
*All information is confidential and used only by your stylist to provide the most efficient service. Send